Make every day Super.
The all-in-one app to save, earn and put more money in your pocket.
Endless ways to get paid and find deals
Explore travel deals with up to 50% off hotels
Book your dream vacation with!
Earn extra cash by playing games, doing tasks, and more
Redeem your rewards on hotels booked with
Save on everyday purchases seamlessly
Get cashback through online offers! Plus, discounts on gas, insurance, prescriptions, and more in the App.
Popular ways to save and get paid
Don’t wait try it right now. You could be earning and saving up to $430 every month!
Put more money in your pocket with Super+
- Cash advances up to $250
- 10% cashback on Hotels
- Unlimited 1% cashback with the Card
- Build and monitor your credit
- Earn and cash out to your Card
Why everyone loves us
“Great prices and easy-to-use website. Also, the emails and text message updates were full of helpful information. Will use it again!”
“Great prices and I was very comfortable using the app. I’ll be using it a lot more!”
“Excellent customer service, convenient site, and they always have cheap prices.”
“I’ve earned close to $300 in less than two weeks with”
“I love the deals and how easy it is to use.”
“Great service! My new go-to for traveling.”
“Everything with Super is clear and simple. I found the best offers in a very short amount of time.”
“Great app! Helped me save money on some beautiful rooms – a must-have for my traveling gypsy soul.”
“The Card has unlimited cashback on all purchases and doesn’t require a credit check or minimum balance! What’s not to love?”
“I’m a student and trying to start work again so there have been a few times when I didn’t have any money. Playing a couple of games helped me earn money. It went directly on my Super Card. Now I tell my friends all about it.”
“I had a last-minute trip and the whole experience with booking and our stay at the hotel was phenomenal!”
“I’ve made $200 just playing games on”
“I’m definitely coming back to this site. The experience was perfect. Why pay more for the same thing somewhere else?”
“Great prices and easy-to-use website. Also, the emails and text message updates were full of helpful information. Will use it again!”
“Great prices and I was very comfortable using the app. I’ll be using it a lot more!”
“Excellent customer service, convenient site, and they always have cheap prices.”
“I’ve earned close to $300 in less than two weeks with”
“I love the deals and how easy it is to use.”
“Great service! My new go-to for traveling.”
“Everything with Super is clear and simple. I found the best offers in a very short amount of time.”
“Great app! Helped me save money on some beautiful rooms – a must-have for my traveling gypsy soul.”
“The Card has unlimited cashback on all purchases and doesn’t require a credit check or minimum balance! What’s not to love?”
“I’m a student and trying to start work again so there have been a few times when I didn’t have any money. Playing a couple of games helped me earn money. It went directly on my Super Card. Now I tell my friends all about it.”
“I had a last-minute trip and the whole experience with booking and our stay at the hotel was phenomenal!”
“I’ve made $200 just playing games on”
“I’m definitely coming back to this site. The experience was perfect. Why pay more for the same thing somewhere else?”
“Great prices and easy-to-use website. Also, the emails and text message updates were full of helpful information. Will use it again!”
“Great prices and I was very comfortable using the app. I’ll be using it a lot more!”
“Excellent customer service, convenient site, and they always have cheap prices.”
“I’ve earned close to $300 in less than two weeks with”
“I love the deals and how easy it is to use.”
“Great service! My new go-to for traveling.”
“Everything with Super is clear and simple. I found the best offers in a very short amount of time.”
“Great app! Helped me save money on some beautiful rooms – a must-have for my traveling gypsy soul.”
“The Card has unlimited cashback on all purchases and doesn’t require a credit check or minimum balance! What’s not to love?”
“I’m a student and trying to start work again so there have been a few times when I didn’t have any money. Playing a couple of games helped me earn money. It went directly on my Super Card. Now I tell my friends all about it.”
“I had a last-minute trip and the whole experience with booking and our stay at the hotel was phenomenal!”
“I’ve made $200 just playing games on”
“I’m definitely coming back to this site. The experience was perfect. Why pay more for the same thing somewhere else?”