National Stress Awareness Day – Americans Left Behind by Credit System Experience Elevated Mental Health Risks

This National Stress Awareness Day, Super, a financial technology company that empowers users to spend less, save more and build credit, is unveiling results of a new research study that illuminates the link between credit access and mental health concerns.
In the United States as many as 1 in 4 consumers are financially underserved, meaning they don’t have a credit score or have poor credit. Super’s findings indicate that as many as 3 in 4 underserved Americans (57%) say thinking about their credit score (or lack of one) gives them anxiety, keeps them up at night, or fills them with dread. Additionally, 51% are more likely to feel defeated and 40% are more likely to feel worried.
“For millions of Americans who are financially underserved by today’s banking institutions, the day-to-day realities and mental burden of not having credit can be grim,” says Radhika Duggal, Chief Strategy Officer of Super. “Credit is how the majority of Americans are able to afford things like a comfortable home, better education or a car. Being denied credit carries an emotional impact because it’s not just about the money, it’s about what the money is needed for, and the sometimes heartbreaking consequences of not being able to access credit.”
The top reasons the underserved have applied for credit include for an unexpected emergency, groceries and monthly bills. According to Super’s findings, 67% of underserved consumers have had a credit application denied; 42% have been denied access to credit four times or more.
The study also reveals that credit denial often comes at inopportune times; 76% of underserved Americans who’ve been denied credit said they were turned away at a moment of critical need, meaning many have to make the emotionally taxing choice to pursue predatory lending options or deal with the upsetting consequences of simply not being able to afford help.
However, there is a bright side to the findings. Small credit improvements prove to be a powerful way to alleviate mental health concerns as indicated by the 70% of respondents who agreed even a small boost to credit will open up new financial opportunities.
American consumers can improve their credit score with small steps including paying off credit card balances or asking for a higher limit.
Super, formerly Snapcommerce, has raised over $100M, surpassed $1B in sales, and has saved consumers $145M to date. For more information, visit
About Super
Super is the technology company at the intersection of fintech and commerce that empowers users to spend less, save more, and build credit - so they can experience more of what life has to offer. Super is home to the best prices on everything from discounted everyday items to great hotel deals - as well as the hub that enables rich cashback and credit building on every transaction. Super’s product offerings include SuperCash (new product launch), SuperTravel (formerly SnapTravel) and SuperShop (formerly SnapShop). Super is trusted by over 5 million customers worldwide and has helped them save over $145M to date.
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